Saturday, December 15, 2012


floycealexander sd, y donut we all go chute?
Make a famly ahfare, wot keeps da famly twogadder
cums frou tex-ass.
Go gat yr gunns n foller me, im a-gonna go chute.

Those sitting around the seminar table thought it
very funny and laughed and then they went silent
n da ruum seamed two m-t. 
De wer on der wa-a two da chutin ranj . . .

floycealexander fin-nish’d.
Bobby sat listening after he reading the four lines
nearly floycealexander head ritten,
and smiled, silently, listening as was his wont.

Bobby also wondered who she was,
the woman older than him since he saw a gray
streak through her hair, forgetting how fashion
springs up overnight only to fade out the next day.

She wrote about living in Mexico City
and mixed espanol with ingles in her manuscripts.
Besides, she knew (she said) a moochual akquaintenc.
What was it like

to live in Texas? Bobby asked floycealexander.
who replied, I dunno, I nevair livd in tex-ass.
Bobby thought to keep the shtick up, but didn’t.
He’d like to hear her read mixing her languages.

(15 December 2012)

copyright 2012 by Floyce Alexander

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